We use a meticulous risk and business analysis process to create real value from the transaction advisory process.

Our team endorses a hands-on approach to support you through everything, from basic investigation to achievement.

Transaction advisory services include;
• mergers and acquisitions
• capital markets
• project financing
• due diligence
• valuations
• foreign direct investment

Our Transaction Advisory services

Mergers and acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions

ESEF Reporting

Our ESEF reporting service is tailored to assist listed companies in complying with the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) requirements. As of 2020, ESEF is mandated for annual financial reports of issuers with securities listed on regulated markets. We provide services for mapping the taxonomy and generating audit/regulator-ready xHTML reports.

Prospects MTF

As of 2016, small and medium-sized enterprises in Malta can access the capital markets through Prospects - a market of the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) designed specifically for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SME). Prospects offers a cost-effective opportunity for entities looking to raise up to €5 million per issue.

Project financing

Project financing

Due diligence

Due diligence



Foreign direct investment

Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the category of international investment that echoes the objective of obtaining a lasting interest by an investor in one economy in an enterprise resident in another economy.

Wholesale Securities Market

WSM is a joint venture between the Malta Stock Exchange and the Irish Stock Exchange, combining the best of each partner’s processes and technical skills.

Investment Support

The government of Malta has made available several incentive programmes, aimed at supporting Maltese SMEs and start-ups. These support schemes are targeted at different stages of a company’s lifecycle and cover from the start-up to the consolidation and expansion phases. Such incentives are usually promoted and managed by Malta Enterprise, while Trade Malta focuses on supporting businesses to penetrate foreign markets.

George Vella
Partner | Head of Advisory
George Vella