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Grant Thornton Malta Managing Partner Mark Bugeja elected Vice President of MIA

Grant Thornton Malta’s Managing Partner Mark Bugeja was elected Vice President of the The Malta Institute of Accountants (MIA) during its 58th Annual General Meeting.

Mr David Delicata was elected to serve a second consecutive term as the institute’s President, while Ms Pace Ross and Dr Jonathan Dingli were elected as Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

MIA also elected seven members to its council: Fabio Axisa, David Delicata, Jonathan, Dingli, Shawn Falzon, Ivan Grixti, Christopher Portelli and Annabelle Zammit Pace, who will be joining current members Charmaine Baldacchino, Edmond Brincat, Mark Bugeja, Noel Mizzi, Lucienne Pace Ross and William Spiteri Bailey.

MIA provides professional guidance, technical support, and continuing professional education to around 4,000 accountants. It forms part of leading international accounting organisations and is tasked with ensuring that professional standards and ethics applied locally meet the requirements of international regulatory bodies.