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Study on the economic contribution of the aviation sector

In 2019, Grant Thornton was commissioned by the Aviation Advisory Committee (AAC) and the Ministry for Tourism to prepare an economic impact study, whose objective was to inform policymakers about the significance of the aviation sector to the Maltese economy.

The study involved an input-output model of the Maltese and quantifying the sector’s economic contribution, in terms of the direct, indirect, induced and catalytic impact of every service provider within the aviation sector.

A great level of detailed data was obtained from various sources, including the National Statistics Office and publicly available information on financial statements of key players within the sector. The study also entailed the preparation of an outlook and an analysis of the environmental impact of
aviation activities in Malta. 

In 2021, Grant Thornton was commissioned by the AAC and the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects to update the study on the aviation sector’s contribution to the Maltese economy, bearing in mind the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. A similar methodology was applied as that of the previous study. Additionally, stakeholder consultations were carried out to obtain a deeper understanding of the outlook of the aviation sector and to gauge the general views of economic operators and service providers within the aviation sector.