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Client case study

Airport zone strategy plan for Malta Industrial Parks

In 2018, Grant Thornton was entrusted by Malta Industrial Parks (MIP) to draft a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and assist in the development of an Aviation Masterplan, also known as the Airport Zone Strategy Plan
(AZSP). The plan focuses on the regeneration of underutilised sites at the Malta International Airport into a high-quality sustainable commercial aviation cluster.

The plan requires sizeable investments at the Malta International Airport, including runway improvement, a new engine run-up bay, a passenger terminal extension and offices among other projects. Overall, Malta would witness a substantial expansion of the current airport and airfield, along
with new ancillary facilities entailing an estimated expenditure
of €2 billion.

The project was split across five stages:

• Stage 1 – Information collection and literature review;
• Stage 2 – Stakeholder consultation;
• Stage 3 – Analysis of primary and secondary data;
• Stage 4 – Concept development to explore options, predetermined
criteria and implementation;
• Stage 5 – CBA including the economic and financial
feasibility studies;
• Stage 6 – Drafting of Masterplan.

Grant Thornton carried out this engagement as a consortium led by local architecture firm iAS, and German aviation master planners amd.sigma and airsight.