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Photo of Joe Pullicino
Partner | Head of Information Technology

Joe Pullicino

Joseph (Joe) joined the firm in 1988, after many years at the Central Bank of Malta where he gained extensive experience in banking, foreign exchange and information technology, and was admitted partner at Grant Thornton in 1993.

Joseph’s expertise centres around computer security and audit procedures.  As partner responsible for the Business Risk and Outsourcing Services Division of Grant Thornton, Joseph is heavily involved in computer systems consultancy for Government and other major clients of the firm and also internal and online-gaming audits.

He has accumulated extensive experience in the analysis, design and implementation of integrated accounting systems for corporate customers of varying size, including the Departmental Accounting System (DAS) for the Government of Malta, and for a number of Government entities, manufacturing concerns and service companies.

  • Certified Information System Auditor
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Accountancy – University of Malta
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Photo of Joe Pullicino
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Partner | Head of Information Technology
Joe Pullicino
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