Alternative Investment Funds

An Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) is an entity or other type of collective investment scheme where funds are raised from a number of investors with a view to invest them in accordance with a defined investment policy. AIFs include all investment funds that do not qualify as a UCITS, instead falling under the Alternative Investment Fund Manager Directive (AIFMD). They are suitable for all investment strategies, including both traditional and alternative, covering all asset classes - including hedge funds, funds of hedge funds, venture capital, private equity funds and real estate funds.

As a rule, AIFs are only marketed to professional customers and if marketed to non-professional customers, the alternative investment fund manager (AIFM) must, as a rule, have an authorisation from the country where the fund is registered, or a similar authoristation granted in another EU or EEA state.

AIFs benefit from market passporting provisions and can also be self-managed.


Read more about the general features of the most common types of collective investment schemes availed of in terms of Maltese law:

Introuction to Funds


    Get in touch
    Wayne Pisani
    Partner | Head of Tax, Regulatory and Technology | International Liaison Director
    Wayne Pisani
    Partner | Head of Tax, Regulatory and Technology | International Liaison Director
    Wayne Pisani